---> Orange peel has been found very effective home remedy for acne treatment . Mixed well with water on a piece of stone, the peel should be applied to the affected areas. There are several things that you can do with fresh lemon. Slice a lemon in half and rub it on the effected area and leave it over night and rinse your face in the morning or squeeze the juice and mix it with rose water and apply to the effected areas.
---> Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly help in healing of the scars of the acne. Aloe Vera juice can be found at most health stores.
---> Cucumber is one of the easiest and refreshing treatments used for the treatment of acne and to refreshen up the skin. It makes our skin feel looking young. Blend the cucumber into a paste and apply it on the affected area. Leave it for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it off.
---> Paste of sandalwood powder with black gram dal can be used on facial skin for acne treatment. Keep it overnight and wash it with cold water the next day.
---> Tomato can also be used for the treatment of blackheads and to open the pores of the skin. Cut the tomato and rub it on the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes. Wash it off with water. This will reduce open pores and blackheads. This treatment is good particularly for oily skin.
---> Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Rub raw garlic on the affected skin several times a day, it will help to remove the scars. Chronic forms of acne are also healed by this method.
---> Nutmeg. Make a paste of nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a wonderful ointment. Pimples disappear without leaving a mark.
---> Egg whites are also used to get rid of acne. Apply it on face and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning.
---> Neem is used for the treatment of all sorts of skin problems. It contains Nimbidol and Gedunin, which have very good fungicidal properties. Neem has proved to be beneficial in skin disorders such as warts, scabies, psoriasis, eczema, and even dandruff. It is extremely effective in acne treatment.
---> Honey and cinnamon. Take 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Make a paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever. This is an effective home remedy for acne treatment.
---> Ice. Before going to bed apply ice on the face. This will reduce the inflammation and burning sensation on the skin and also lighten the scars of the acne.
---> Groundnut oil. Mix 1-tablespoon groundnut oil with 1-tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples.
---> Niacin and vitamin A are used for the treatment of the acne. It is recommended to take100 mg niacin, three times daily, and 50,000 international units of vitamin A, three times daily. Vitamin E, 400 mg, should be taken once daily. This therapy should be continued for a month.
---> Coriander juice. Take a teaspoon of coriander juice; mix it with a pinch of turmeric powder. It is a very effective home made ointment for pimples and blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after thoroughly washing it every night before going to bed.
---> Mint. Mint juice can be used in a similar manner as coriander juice.
---> Papaya. Juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) can also be applied on swelling pimples. For acne treatment, cornstarch when combined with water can be used as a mask to absorb oil.
---> Hot fomentation can be applied locally to open up the pores and to bring out the waste matter. The affected parts should then be washed with cold water. The patient should take sun and air baths by exposing the whole body to the sun and air. For acne treatment, do not wash face with soap and water, wash it in the morning and night with lukewarm salty water. Soap is a drying agent and may worsen the acne, whereas luke warm salty water may help remove oils without drying the skin.
--->Fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk can be applied to the face as a face wash for pimples, blackheads, and cracked skin.
---> Drinking of wheatgrass juice may remove acne.