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Sunday, March 15, 2009

About acne

Acne or pimple is a common ailment in young people during their teen age. This occurs due to some hormonal changes in the body. It particularly occurs in the young age, from 12 to 16 years of age, and is more common in those who have an oily skin. Chronic forms of acne may occur over the shoulders, the back and chest as well as face and neck.

Diet is not responsible for acne but certain foods may produce this condition, especially in some patients. Rich foods such as chocolate, nuts, soft drinks, fatty meals and increased sugar, may produce this condition. Certain drugs such as those containing bromides and iodides may also produce acne in some patients. Some girls develop pimples before menstruation. These remain for only one or two days. When acne remains for months or years, something should be done to remove the condition. Nervous tension due to family trouble may also play an important role in creating this problem.

Acne rosacea is an abnormal redness and irritation of the face and nose. It may also occur on the cheeks, chin, and forehead at times. Acne rosacea occurs more commonly in middle-aged people. But sometimes it is also seen in children and young adults, particularly if there has been similar trouble in past generations of their family. Excess of heat, cold and wind may also produce more pimples on the affected skin. It is not a serious problem as it disappears with the age.

To prevent the acne keep the skin clean by washing two or three times a day with fresh water. Apply warm moist towels to the face for ten or fifteen minutes. If pus has formed under the skin, do not open the pimple until it is ready to drain. Squeezing and pinching of the skin may extend the inflammation and delay healing, and may also cause scarring of the face.

Most of the acne occurs due to wrong eating habits, such as irregular eating, excessive eating of starch, sugars, fatty foods and fried foods. Chronic constipation can also lead to acne. If the stools are not passed properly, the waste matter remains in the body as it is not discharged and makes the blood toxic. This accumulation of toxic substances in the body leads to acne and other forms of skin diseases. Other causes of the skin diseases are the unhealthy conditions of the skin, habits, excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol, or tobacco, and sedentary habits, which lead to indigestion and general debility.

Diet: Avoid all rich foods, excessive amounts of sugar, and particularly chocolate and nuts. Choose a plain, well balanced diet containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water and fruit juices, but avoids highly sweetened drinks. Extra vitamin A tablets should be added to the diet. Try to sleep at least eight hours every night. Avoid all strains, and follow the principles of good health, as these are essential for health. There are many natural home remedies for acne that we have in our kitchen or we can get from the health food store. These are not very expensive.


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For acne treatment usually patients should take this pill or tablet twice a day, one in the morning, and one before going bed in the night.Excessive intake of fatty substances also stimulates the liver into producing increased levels of androgen which in turn elevates the sebum levels in the skin, resulting in acne.

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Acne is the term for pimples and complexion problems that occur in many young people and some adults. Approximately 90% of all people will have acne at some point in their lives. Pimples usually occur on the face.

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Cystic acne treatment begins with an understanding of what cystic acne really is. Cystic acne is also known as nodulocystic acne and is, quite basically, a severe type of acne. It consists of inflamed breakouts that can occur not only on the face but also on other parts of the body.

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Acne is a skin disorder that affects the skin's oil glands. For acne free skin, it is necessary to use acne treatment in a proper.

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Prevention is always better than cure, yet we really cannot avoid the appearance of pimples, I agree that eating healthy foods can contribute to that fresh and healthy skin.

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Correct washing of the skin will eliminate oils and bacteria that can cause acne. However, when you already have serious acne breakouts, washing alone likely will not make it go away. Frequent and harsh washing can even make it worse.

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Varun Mishra said...

All the ideas & information provided by you is really very useful. Skin & acne problems are getting so common nowadays. But blogs like this with health & beauty tips really helps a lot. I have even tried some of the tips and it is really working on my acne. Keep writing such health & beauty articles.